Planning your finances before retirement

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Get your finances in order with a few simple steps so you can feel secure for retirement

Is your retirement looming and you want to make sure you won’t have any financial worries once you stop working? Or, maybe you’re still quite a while away from retirement age and want to start planning now to ensure your money is in a healthy position when the time comes to hand in your final notice. Whatever your reasons for thinking about planning finances before retirement, we understand how big of a deal it can be.

This is especially true with the cost of living crisis weighing heavily on many people’s minds around the UK and data suggests that these financial woes will make it difficult for around 40% of Brits to save a single penny before the end of the year.

Current financial issues can put a halt to your retirement financial planning but it doesn’t have to if you give some of our handy tips below a try. Most can be applied to just about any wage, so give at least one a chance if you can give your finances a boost before you finally retire.

Read more – Can you still get a pension when you’re over 50?

Why is this important?

Retirement is all about spending your later years with family and friends, without worrying about running out of money. You’ll want to buy the things you desire and go on incredible holidays around the world whilst having a comfortable home and no mortgage to worry about. This means you will need a healthy set of finances and the following methods can help you get just that.

Go debt free

No one wants to be paying off debt once they’ve retired or be paying it from their final wages when the money could be better spent elsewhere. Pay off your debt as early as possible and you will save money as you won’t be paying interest every month.

Get the right life insurance policy

Life insurance can help you or your family if you get ill or sadly pass away. It’s important to get the right life insurance for you as it can be more tailored to your needs. For example, taking out over 50 life insurance if you’re old enough to do so will be able to support your family if anything happens to you later in life.

Manage your pensions

Your pension is a lifelong collection of money that should be easily accessible once you retire, so make sure you know how to get it. You may have a lot of pensions too and an easy way to manage them is to consolidate them into one pot.


If you want to maximise your finances before retirement, then you need to budget well throughout your life. Try to cut out unnecessary costs and cancel unused subscriptions or memberships, so you have more money left over to put into your savings.

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About Lana Hall
Lana can usually be found spinning her collection of records, or writing odd poems in her phone notes. Her mixer of choice is a ginger beer, and you’ll never find her away from the sea for more than a few weeks.

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